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prAna Apparel

prAna’s mantra is “clothing for positive change,” which lays the foundation for how this premium clothing company conducts its business. prAna’s line of premium active apparel offers a variety of clothing—whether you are seeking a shirt and jeans, dress, tank, legging, flannel top or shorts—all manufactured with the goal of only minimal impact on the planet. 

prAna believes fashion needs to embark in a new direction. That’s why it strives to incorporate fabrics and processes that assure the utmost in style and performance, while leaving behind a much smaller footprint. The goal is that together, prAna and its customers, will make positive strides toward making a better tomorrow, rather than just dreaming of it.

How does prAna plan to accomplish this? It begins with thinking not of profits and throwaway fashion, but with ways to honor the world and its inhabitants. "Either tread lightly or don’t tread it all"—that has become the mantra for prAna as it seeks to bring about change. 

A first step is to ensure that its clothes are made by those who are adequately supported and paid a fair wage for the skill they are offering. prAna focused on purchasing Fair Trade Certified products directly from a certified factory. This means workers can be protected against physical and mental health harm. While this means paying a premium for each item ordered, that money goes directly to the factory employees themselves, who decide how it is used for the betterment of them all. 

But factory employees are not the only story. Sustainable clothing manufacture has to include the right materials from the start. Examples include organic and recycled content, as well as the use of unique sustainable fibers that are sourced from hemp, forests or other renewable materials. By 2025, prAna is committed to having 100% of its products made with preferred fibers and materials. 

prAna is also committed to circularity, helping the fashion industry become less wasteful. The concept behind the prAna Renewal Workshop, for example, is to extend the life of its clothing and ensure fewer textiles find their way to landfills. The Renewal Workshop is focused on repairing or renewing existing apparel so it can be restored to a wearable item and then resold. To that end, the company is also committed to using as many existing materials as possible in manufacturing its apparel. 

Another positive change prAna is helping to bring about is the reduction of packaging, launching the Responsible Packaging Movement in 2020. Since focusing on this important issue beginning in 2010, the company has eliminated over 20 million plastic bags and is now using 100% plastic-free packaging. prAna is also committed to using paper responsibly in its packaging, with preference given to recycled and next-gen fibers.  

These are just a few of the reasons prAna says it sells “clothing for positive change.” Ready to be a part of the prAna fashion revolution? Check out our line of prAna apparel for men and women.

Mountians during the Sunset